
“Thank you so much for your time and your story. You were fantastic - and I am so grateful for what you shared with the Year 12 students. They found it really grounding I think. I had a number of them tell me they went into the English task in a much better headspace than usual. I think you really put things into perspective and reminded them that school is actually a good problem to have.”

— Year Adviser, Pymble Ladies’ College

“The students were so excited to welcome Alex Richter back to the Prep School this week. They were enthralled as he spoke to them about his journey with spinal cord injury and his incredible achievements over the last couple of years; riding a three wheeled electric mountain bike, skiing in an adaptive sit ski, and driving a modified car independently!”

— Knox Grammar School

“Thanks again, Alex. The girls took away many life lessons and have continued to discuss your journey in class.”

— Teacher, Pymble Ladies’ College

“Alex spoke to boys in years 3-6 about resilience, reframing setback, positive mindset, and the importance of family and friends. It was an amazing day for all involved.”

— Knox Grammar School

“Thank you to Alex Richter who spoke to the year 10 PDHPE students about living with a spinal cord injury, and the importance of self-care and strong support networks.”

— Newsletter, Pymble Ladies’ College